Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Grotto

We have had such a good time in Kununurra we have had little time to add to the blog. Here are a few photos of the places we have seen within 100km of Kununurra. We will add more at a later date. We are heading off tomorrow on our 900km off road challenge along the Gibb River Road. There are so many places we want to see along the way we think it will take at least two weeks. We will be out of range until we each Broome so we don't anticipate adding anything until after 17 August.

The cliff leading down to the grotto. Look closely and you will see the steps winding down the steep slope, no safety rail here, it was just a matter or keeping close to the cliff as you made your way down

We wondered how long it would be before this stack collapsed

The pool at the bottom of the cliff

The wildlife here was not bothered by our presence.
This water monitor did not move whilst we were there

These juvenile pied herons were having a great time with each other

A juvenile pied heron concentrating on fish before diving in for the catch