Friday, July 29, 2011


W A has very strict quarantine regulations; no honey, fruit or vegetables are allowed and each vehicle is subjected to a thorough search at the border.

On arriving at Kununurra we turned our watches back; we are now two hours behind Melbourne time (EST). This is okay in Perth and along the west coast, but it is strange in Kununurra which is only 50km from the border. Dawn is around 4.45am and it is dusk at 5.00pm. As a result business hours here are 8.00am to 4.00pm.

We are at Kimberleyland Holiday Park. We like it here, our site in one of four surrounding a central courtyard covered in shade cloth.

Malcom, our neighbour across the courtyard has this wonderful set up. He tows a long long trailer behind his Winnebago which houses his quad bike with a tin boat on top, and behind that a Suzuki 4X4. The name of his outfit is "howlongisapieceofstring". He uses the quad bike to tow his "tinnie" to remote places.

We had a lot of fun with Teya, Hugo and Sienna who are on a six month trip around Australia with their parents.

Faye spent a day at the Kimberley Writers Festival and was delighted to have her copy of 'Territory' signed by the author Judy Nunn.